Arts & Culture
Released in early 2022, the New Haven Cultural Equity Plan is a collection of ideas, stories, questions and practices that we can all use to manifest cultural equity in our lives and weave it into our systems. It is not a complete or finished document. It is the beginning of a conversation we must continue having with one another forever.
Cultural Equity Plan

Arts for Anti-Racism Pledge
Helping amplify voices of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) in arts and cultural organizations.
Learn more about our pledge!
Entrepreneurship Decoded
Entrepreneurship Decoded is a 6-week program that will equip local creative entrepreneurs with resources and skills to build ventures that can contribute to the vibrancy of our community.
Unapologetically Radical
Unapologetically Radical is a ONE-DAY virtual event created to address, amplify and activate anti-racism in arts and culture. This is a safe space for truth telling and ground breaking conversations around dismantling systems of racial injustice and applying immediate and direct change.
Radical Conversations
Radical Conversations is a new series formed from the Unapologetically Radical Conference. It’s meant to be thought provoking and raw. Radical Conversations will discuss those difficult conversation around anti-racism, representation, and preservation within the black community.