Economy & Business
2020 Downtown Housing Report
The economic development administration issues a survey to downtown property owners every year to gain insights into the state of the housing market in New Haven. With rapid development occurring in the area, we analyze and share rent rates, vacancy and other indicators to profile the market and track changes over time.
Technical assistance, policy guidance, and marketing support. We are here to help your business.
Below you will find a variety of programs that the City of New Haven and our partners are working on to help us emerge from this crisis as a stronger, wiser, more connected business community.
Small Business Assistance
If you are a local business, non-profit, artist or freelancer, we want to help you get the support that you deserve. The City of New Haven is working with our arts and economic development partners to support our business community with technical assistance and resources as we navigate the COVID 19 crisis together. Please fill out our business survey to be contacted by City of New Haven Small Business Services staff, or learn more at our Small Business Assistance page.
State and Federal Business Resources
The State of Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) is maintaining a list of resources available for businesses at the State and Federal level. These include grants, tax relief, forbearance programs, reopen guidelines and much more. Please follow the link below for more information.
Webinars & Panels
Our partners at the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce are hosting weekly webinars to help your business navigate this complex and evolving crisis.
Our partners at Town Green Special Services are working with local small businesses to create an “Amazon”-style online market to promote our buy local efforts.
Signup for TNH
As a #TogetherNewHaven business, we will create a poster for your business and advertise your efforts to continue serving your customers on our social media outlets and in our eBlasts.